An enchanting Arts and Crafts garden designed by renowned architect-craftsman Norman Jewson in the 1930s

The garden is laid out on descending levels, enclosed by Cotswold stone walls and yew hedges. It overlooks a peaceful valley and has all year round interest.

1.Top Terrace
Starting on the top terrace, with Magnolia grandiflora and yew hedges, you can begin to appreciate the design of the garden with views down the valley.
2. Jewson Terrace
Laid out with geometric beds with a rectangular lily pond in the centre. The centre beds are planted with a mix ofbee-loving herbaceous plants including roses, dahlias, teuchrium, nepeta, anemone, verbena. The surrounding beds include lavender and peonies. In the spring these beds display a variety of named snowdrops and tulips. The lily pond has a healthy population of palmate and great crested newts.
3. Shrub Garden
Steps lead down to the more informal shrub garden with bulbs, hellebores, trillium and magnolia in the spring and roses and delphiniums in the summer.There are several feature trees including a magnificent ‘Shirotae’ cherry at each end.
4. White Border
Returning back up the steps to the White Border, you will find roses, dahlias, phlox and exochorda.
5. Step Garden
Pass through the gate to the Step Garden with descending lecels, each of which has winter interest plants with delightful scents and textures. Stars in this part of the garden include Cornus controversa, Acer palmatum, Viburnum davidii, Mahonia, Daphne odorata, Hydrangea ‘Annabelle’ and Cercidiphyllum japonicum.
6. Knot Garden
Pass down through the summer house to the Knot Garden featuring creative box topiary.
7. Bog Garden
Take great care as you descend through the gate into the bog garden, with waterfalls, bridges and summer house.Spread through this garden is an abundance of ferns, primulas and a variety of damp loving plants.
8. Little Forest
Climbing back up through the Little Forest you pass areas of woodland carpeted with spring bulbs including snowdrops and bluebells.
9. Top Lawn
Return to the garden through the gate by the mulberry tree planted in 1933. Enjoy the views over the yew hedges all the way to the Marlborough downs.
10. Rock Border
A collection of alpines and rock plants are at their best here in early summer.
11. Main lawn
Back down to the main lawn where teas are served on open days.A great place for croquet and sitting in the shade of the magnificent ancient Prunus serrula with beautiful peeling bark.
12. South Courtyard
These sun trap beds are a blaze of colour in the summer with geums, dahlias, crocosmia, lilies, phlox and iris.